Sadly, the author and driving force for BC Policy Perspectives has passes away due to complications of COPD. His tireless work as a watchdog for the financial accountablity of ICBC and BC Hydro is chronicalled here in over 400 articles. His legacy through these informative and insightful articles will be kept online for the foreseeable future.
More governments are requiring some form of Indigenous ownership as a condition of approval for new energy projects. While providing a solid revenue stream for these marginalized communities is useful, it is not without risk.
Occasional Paper 94 provides a series of key operational and performance indicators from BC Hydo. This report encompasses the fiscal years 2018/19 to 2023/24.
BC Hydro's 2023/24 Results Reflect Imported Power Filling Gap in Domestic Supply
This paper summaries the key financial items in BC Hydro’s 2023/24 annual report. The prolonged drought had a major affect on its revenues and costs, with a significant hit to the bottom line. Deferral accounting transfers these losses to the ratepayers in future years, allowing the government to mandate a rebate that reduces current year bills but is funded from the prior year “surplus.”
Investment Income Drives ICBC's 2023/24 Net Income
ICBC’s recently published annual report summarizes how the public auto insurer achieved a $1.4 billion net income for 2023/24. This Commentary provides a number of perspectives and suggests that the government should direct ICBC to reduce the Basic program’s high capital reserve.
The “modified equity” accounting system distorts the government’s revenue, and surplus/deficit position, by assuming revenue from ICBC is available to the government. This can cause a major distortion as occurred for 2023/24.
BC Hydro Rebrands Energy Conservation Program and Doubles the Budget
BC Hydro has announced a doubling of its energy conservation and efficiency programs, in keeping with the government’s CleanBC priorities. This commentary has a closer look.
Former Member Questions Independence of the BC Utilities Commission
Richard Mason, a former appointed member of the BC Utilities Commission has published an article questioning the Commission’s independence respecting BC Hydro. It is reproduced here for information.
Is The Proposed Fortescue Green Hydrogen Project For Prince George Dead?
Last week Fortescue Metals of Australia announced a major retrenchment in the development of green hydrogen projects. One must suppose that this includes the proposed facility planned for Prince George.
A Massive Green Hydrogen Project Is Proposed For Nova Scotia
A very large windfarm is being planned to supply renewable electricity to a proposed green hydrogen facility in Nova Scotia. Many questions are being raised about the economics of such a project.
BC Hydro Expands Deferral Accounts to Insulate Profit From Market Vagaries
In recent years BC Hydro has been adding more regulatory/deferral accounts. This Commentary suggests that the predominant reason is to insulate the government-mandated profit target.
NDP Government Mimics Previous Government in Using ICBC to Subsidize Taxpayers
It appears that the government has “negotiated” a profitable deal for purchase of ICBC’s headquarters building. Is this another example of politicizing our public insurer?
Are the government’s objectives of dramatically reduced emissions, economic development and affordable electricity rates irreconcilable? Will the provincial government be forced to ration the supply of clean electricity? These questions are raised in the attached Commentary.
Hydro-Quebec Opts for Public Ownership of Large New Wind Farms
The Quebec government has decided that large new wind farm energy projects will be owned by Hydro-Quebec, rather than private power producers. Will BC follow suit?
Why to Production of Green Hydrogen is a Waste of Our Limited Renewable Electricity
The BC government has been championing the production of green hydrogen as a method to achieve its CleanBC emission targets. Given the technical problems with this process, this promotion is unwarranted.
New Alberta Report Lauding ICBC Model Riles Insurance Bureau of Canada
The Alberta government recently issued new consultation documents designed to focus the public discussion on affordable auto insurance. The lowest cost option, a public monopoly modeled on ICBC, was quickly denounced by the Insurance Bureau of Canada.
Ontario's Plan to Reduce Basic Auto Rates--Reduce Coverage
The government of Ontario is proposing to reduce mandatory Basic injury coverage in an attempt to provide more choice—read less coverage. This follows the plan to reduce vehicle damage coverage begun this year.
Drought Conditions in the Pacific Northwest Demonstrate the Benefit of a Diversified Enery Mix
The attached reproduces an interesting survey of the effects of the drought on the energy supply in the US Pacific northwest. Are there lessons for BC?
Comparing Provincial Electricity and Natural Gas Supply and Sales
This paper reviews the supply of electricity and the GWh equivalent produced by natural gas for the 2022/23 fiscal year. It demonstrates the importance of natural gas to the province’s economy.
Replacing Natural Gas with Clean Electricity is Unrealistic
A number of environmental groups have called on the government to end the use of natural gas in residential and commercial buildings by 2035. Clean electricity would replace the natural gas. This paper shows that such a proposition is not feasible.
BC's Haida Nation to Have Title Over All of Haida Gwaii
Reproduction of an article by Nelson Bennett in Business in Vancouver respecting the provincial government's plan to transfer the lands of Haida Gwaii to the Haida first nation.
BC Hydro's 24/25 Budget Discounts Drought Warnings
This paper reviews BC Hydro's financail forecast for the current year-end, as well as the key budget assumptions for the coming year. The water inflows and revenues for 2024/25 may be optimistic.
The latest rebate ordered by the BC government again politicizes BC Hydro's finances. Note; I subsequently was informed that the government will fund $30 million of the $370 million cost to cover those customers who do not receive power indirectly from BC Hydro via their own utility.
The NDP government fired the CEO of Manitoba Hydro over the question of the utility's power procurement. Many similaris facing the future power demand in Manitoba also confront the BC government.
Will BC Hydro Use Columbia River Treaty Power to Meet Some of the Demand for Clean Power?
This paper reviews the possible use of some of the Canadian Entitlement under the Columbia River Treaty to address some of the growing demand for clean electricity. Note: The BC government sells the CRT benefits to Powerex, which then resells to the Americans (Bonneville Power), with profits being reported via BC Hydro.
BC Hydro Does Not Have Enough Electricity to Power Proposed Green Hydrogen Projects
Recent announcements of large planned green hydrogen production plants near Prince George depend on hydroelectricity that BC Hydro does not have. See also
This paper has a more detailed review of ICBC's 2022/23 financial results by major program. Of note is the rise in materail damage costs and tort injury pressures.
Ensuring A Clean Electricity Future Will Be Difficult And Expensive
Some commentors and environmental advocates have suggested that BC has almost achieved the target of a clean electrical grid. The attached paper suggests that meeting future demand for a clean power grid will be difficult and expensive.
Basic Policyholders Provide $236 Million Subsidy to BC Government
For many years BC governments have required ICBC policyholders to subsidize a variesty of governmet programs or policies, as detailed in the Commentary.
This paper reviews the BCUC decision to advance the rate request review for the next two years, and discusses ICBC's distorted approach to forecasting the investment income.
Auditor General Forces BC Government to Backtrack on New Customer Deferral Accounting
Recent comments by Auditor General Michael Pickup suggest that the government cannot continue to freely issue directives to the BC Utilites Commission respecting BC Hydro's finances.
Once Again Auto Insurance Premiums Become an Election Issue in Alberta
The cost of auto insurance has again become an election issue in Alberta. This paper provides context for the government decision to freeze fates for the balance of 2023.
Is the Plan to Freeze Basic Insurance Rates Affordable?
Can ICBC afford the two-year rate freeze ordered by the government? This paper reviews its new rate request to the Utilities Commission and finds it fundamentally flawed because ICBC management failed to address this important question.
New Report Shows ICBC Rates Higher Than Other No-Fault Provinces
As a result of the change to a no-fault model ICBC rates comare favourably with those with hybrid-tort models, but are higer than Saskatchewan and Manitoba. See also Derrick Penner Vancouver Sun December 14, 2022.
New Bill Rebate Further Politicizes BC Hydro's Finances
By ordering the Utilities Commission to approve BC Hydro’s new rebate regulatory account the government continues to substitute political imperatives for the economic-based rate setting oversight provided by the once independent regulator.
Estimating the Cost of the Newly Announced BC Hydro Rebate
Premier Eby announced a credit/rebate but no total cost or funding plan was make public. This paper provides an estimate, and discusses two funding approaches.
Manitoba Public Insurer Loses Suit Questioning Regulator's Jurisdiction.
In a recent decision the Manitoba Court of Appeal declined to hear an appeal by the MPI public auto insurer concerning a decision by its refulator. Perhaps Manitoba will adopt the more directive approach used by the government in this province?
Quantifying BC Hydro's Domestic Electricity Surplus
BC Hydro no longer reports its Domestic electricity surplus or deficit, but it is possble to determine the annual totals from the service data in its annual reports. The over capacity in generation has costs for ratepayers.
Accounting Rules Overstate Province's 2021/22 Revenue: On a Cash Basis the Surplus is Really a Deficit
National public sector accountig rules require that profits or losses from self-supporting Crown corporations be caunted as government revenue, even if no cash is transferred. The net income from BC Hydro and ICBC is not transferred and distorts the true cash picture of the government's finances.
BC Cabinet Again Restricts Independence of Regulator: Will the Auditor General React?
A new directive reinforces the government's unwillingness to fulfill its 2018 promise to enhance the independence of the BC Utilities Commission regardsin BC Hydro's finances and rates.
Plan to Collect Data and Report on Race Raises Questions
A commentary of the proposed Anti-Racism Data Act reviews a number of issues, including the presumption of systemic racism in provincial public bodies.
Globe and Mail Incorrectly Claims BC and Saskatchewan Drivers Subsidized by Taxpayers
A recent Globe and Mail editorial cantained factual errors about the recently announced insurance rebates in BC and Saskatchewan. Taxpayers are not subsidizing drivers in these provinces.
Linking ICBC Rebate to Offset Fuel Prices Sends Wrong Message
The decision to proceed with a rebate signifies the adoption of more realistic capital reserve targets. Linking the rebate to offsetting high fuel costs has clouded a positive picture.