Media Interviews by Richard McCandless as of 3 August 2024.
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Links to media interviews.
Links to media interviews.
Nelson Bennett's 28 December 2022 article in Business in Vancouver.
A public inquiry is now underway designed to examin the approval process for the $12.7 billion hydroelectric dam. As Konrad Yakabuski writes: "Whether it involves provincially-owned hydroelectric behemoths in British Columbia, Manitoba or Quebec, or the Crown-owned nuclear-dominated Ontario Power Generation, politically-driven energy policies across Canada have saddled ratepayers and taxpayers with billions of dollars in extra debt."
Expensive electricity was a major issue in the recent Ontario election. The new government succeeded in forcing the board and CEO Mayo Schmidt to resign, but lower prices have only been possible by transferring cost to taxpayers and future generations; and and and
Barrie McKenna in the Globe and Mail political meddling for causing the high price of electricity in Ontario;
BC Auditor General Carol Bellringer is preparing to become BC Hydro's external auditor, which will put more pressure on the government to allow BC Hydro to conform to national public sector accounting standards. See Les Leyne and Vaughn Palmer
Andrew MacLeod of The Tyee reports that Finance Minister Carole James intends to fix BC Hydro's accounting practices, but it will take time;
The Globe and Mail is not impressed by the Ontario government's move to reduce the cost of electricity; and also an editorial by The National Post;
The latest Moody's report again warns that BC Hydro's growing debt is a concern as it may require a taxpayer bail-out;
Rob Shaw (Vancouver Sun) reports on jinterviewhis with Hon. Bill Bennett, who says Site C is political;
Andrew MacLeod in The Tyee writes about my 10 June 2016 presentation to the Utilities Commission respecting BC Hydro's 2016 rate request;
Andrew Macleod in The Tyee reports on Arian Dix's request to Auditor General Bellringer to review BC Hydro's rate smoothing deferral accounts;
Andrew Macleod in The Tyee reviews my 10 June 2016 presentation to the BCUC panel reviewing BC Hydro's rates for 2016 to 2018,
Vaughn Palmer reviews government control over BC Hydro rates in this September 2013 column;